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Why A Roof Replacement Should Never Be Deliberately Delayed

Why a Roof Replacement Should Never Be Deliberately Delayed

It’s never a good idea to deliberately delay a roof replacement. That’s because issues involving damaged roofing components can easily affect other parts of your home, turning what should have been a relatively straightforward roof replacement into a more expensive overhaul of your exterior.

What’s the worst that could happen if your roof replacement is delayed? Deliberate project delays may cause some roofing issues to emerge. Elevated Roofing LLC, your trusted roofing contractor, lists these issues below: 

  • Structural damage – Residential roof repair should be enough to fix minor to moderate roofing damage. But in cases involving extensive damage, a roof replacement is usually needed. However, if the roof replacement is delayed, the interior is left exposed to rain and the elements for longer. This, in turn, increases the risk of existing roofing damage being exacerbated. Remember: the longer the delay, the longer your interior is left exposed to the elements, and the higher the risk pre-existing roofing damage spreads to other parts of your home. For instance, if a leaky roof isn’t immediately replaced, it’s only a matter of time until water (which follows the path of least resistance) makes its way to the roof’s underlayers, weaken your roof’s structural support, and complicate what should have been a relatively straightforward roof replacement. 
  • Electrical issues – If water from a roof leak reaches your home’s electrical wiring, you may encounter electrical issues 
  • Mold and health risks – Aside from causing structural damage, excess moisture also creates a damp environment that’s the perfect breeding ground for mold, which can damage your roof’s structure by eating away at its wooden components. Mold-damaged roofing components should be replaced as soon as possible. That’s because they can affect other parts of your home. Not to mention their spores can cause allergy flare-ups and aggravate respiratory conditions. 

What are the warning signs of mold? Keep an eye out for dark-colored spots on your ceiling and walls. Musty smells are another potential warning sign. If you notice a funky smell that gets stronger as you approach a room, mold may have started to grow in a certain area in your room. If you notice any of the warning signs, contact one of your local residential roofing companies. The sooner mold-damaged roofing components are removed, the better. 

  • Pest damage – Pests (which love to nest in small, dark spaces) can infiltrate your roof’s underlayers through large holes in your roof. 

Why Deliberately Delaying a Roof Replacement Doesn’t Make Financial Sense

Given the aforementioned issues, it just doesn’t make financial sense to deliberately delay a roof replacement. The longer you delay a roof replacement, the higher the risk roofing damage affects other parts of your home, and the higher the potential costs of a roof replacement.

Important note: the same goes for residential roof repair projects: as soon as you notice leaks, contact one of your local roofers as soon as possible. Keep in mind that the warning signs of leaks aren’t always easy to find. For instance, it may take time for the signs of storm damage to appear after an extreme weather event. By the time these warning signs emerge, it’s already too late to mitigate storm damage. That’s why it’s important to schedule a roof inspection after an extreme weather event. 

How to Avoid Project Delays

You should never deliberately delay a roof replacement. However, it’s also important to keep in mind you can never rule out the risk of delays. Fortunately, through early planning and meticulous budgeting, you can keep your roof replacement project on track and within budget. 

In addition to doing your research on the basics (like the type of roofing materials best suited to your local climate), it’s also important for homeowners to have a basic understanding of the common causes of project delays. 

Here’s an overview of the usual culprits behind project delays: 

  • Bad weather – Bad weather is the most common cause of delays in home improvement projects. To minimize weather-related delays, most homeowners prefer to schedule home improvement projects in the summer, when the weather is drier and more ideal for roofing projects. 
  • Underlying roofing issues – It’s impossible to rule out underlying roofing issues that may extend your project’s timeline. In most cases, contractors only discover these underlying roofing issues when the roof is torn off or the walls are torn down. One common undetected roofing issue is deck rot. Before construction starts, your contractors will assess the condition of your roof’s decking by inspecting your attic for signs of damage. The problem with this inspection method is that it isn’t completely accurate. Even if the contractors didn’t find any signs of damage in your attic, there’s still a chance there might be rot in your roof’s decking. However, if your roof was properly maintained, there’s a lower risk of undetected roofing issues. 
  • Change orders – Change orders are modifications made to the original scope of the project it has already started. In certain cases, they can’t be avoided. However, it’s best to avoid them. That’s because they can delay the project timeline and blow your budget. 

Planning Tips

To help you manage your roofing project, here are some planning tips: 

  • Clarify the scope of your project – It’s important to discuss with your contractor the scope of their responsibilities. The details you should discuss with them include the required work permits (it’s usually standard practice for residential roofing companies to handle the work permits, but you should still clarify this crucial detail with your contractor), the project timeline  (keep in mind it’s just a projected timeline at this stage), and the contingency plans (for instance, if it starts to rain in the middle of a roofing project,  it’s standard practice for contractors to cover the exposed roof sheathing with a tarp and wait for the weather to clear up). 
  • Inform your contractor about the times when you’re usually available – To minimize delays between responses, we recommend informing them about the times when you’re usually available as well as your preferred mode of communication.  
  • Put everything in writing – Don’t solely rely on verbal agreements—always put everything in writing. After all, given how busy home improvement projects can get, it’s easy to forget crucial project details. 
  • Always vet a contractor before hiring them – Don’t forget that a roofing project, or any home improvement project for that matter, is essentially a collaboration between you and your contractor. That’s why clear and constant communication between you and your contractor is vital to the success of your roof replacement project. 

Vetting Tips

Haven’t found a roofer yet? Here are some quick vetting tips: 

  • Limit your search to contractors near your area – To quickly narrow down your options, limit your search to contractors near your area. Hiring local also has other advantages. For starters, since local roofers are more familiar with the local climate and building codes, they can make better recommendations. Not to mention they’re also known for their personalized service. 
  • Ask a prospective roofer how long they’ve been in business – The number of years a contractor has been working in the industry should give you an idea of their level of experience. 
  • Ask them about the kinds of project they’ve worked on – If you’re planning a commercial roofing project, you should ask your commercial roofing repair services contractor about the kinds of projects they’ve handled. That’s because commercial roofs are more leak-prone and as such commercial roofing projects require a higher level of expertise. 

Looking for experienced roofers near you? 

Elevated Roofing LLC, a family-owned company with over a decade of experience, offers a wide range of professional residential and commercial roofing repair services. To schedule a free roof inspection, call us at (205) 684-3945 or fill out this form

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Why a Roof Replacement Should Never Be Deliberately Delayed

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